// In secondary classrooms
United States History
1st Choice Recommended
United States History (2023)
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Print Edition ISBNs:
- Student (2023): 978-00-7902313-1
- Teacher (2023): 978-00-7902310-0
Contact the company representative for ISBN numbers for online/eText editions.
- English and Spanish available
- Print and Digital versions available
- Uniform digital interface
- New content added every 6-months
- Training sessions available
- You might lose created material unless you have continual licensing
- Lesson plan templates available for use and personalized expansion
- Suggested PBL activities

2nd Choice Recommended
US History Interactive (2022)
Publisher: Savvas
Print Edition ISBNs:
- Student (2022): 978-14-1833230-3
- Student: 978-14-1834207-4 Print with Digital 1-year license
- Teacher (2022): 978-14-1833286-0
Contact the company representative for ISBN numbers for online/eText editions.
- Multi-year digital licenses available
- English and Spanish available
- Has differentiated instruction suggestions.
- Resources to connect technology of the past to today.
- Project Imagine: primary sources and digital activities (3D exploration)
- Difficult digital interface and reliability issues
- Primary source and reading guide
- Google classroom or other LMS integration
- Hook and Inspire video clips
- Inquiry projects included in course of the topic/chapter
- Quest Inquiry
- Partnerships with NBC, Smithsonian
- “Active classroom strategies” TPS, QW, etc
- Leveled assessment types for US and World (Below, On, Above)
- Ability to share customized material with other teachers
- Additional training available
- Publisher will integrate NAD standards into the resources and program
- Versions are revised from a 1-5 year schedule

3rd Choice Recommended
American History (2018)
Publisher: Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt
Print Edition ISBNs:
- Student (2018): 978-0-54-445419-4
- Teacher (2018): 978-0-54-491549-7
Contact the company representative for ISBN numbers for online/eText editions.
- The committee recommends using the Digital format
- English and Spanish available
- Print and Digital versions available
- Slight middle school feel versus high school feel, (could be the way it is presented)
- Has an app students download for book that does not need internet to use.
- Partnerships with History Channel, checkology, national civil rights museum,
- The digital format has page arrows (no seamless stream for section)
- Books are available in both Spanish and English (Spanish online is not interactive, only pdf format)
- HMH textbooks are not APA level. They are grade level. They have guided reading workbooks to help struggling students online with teacher’s subscription.
- When purchased there is training for teachers on using the platform.
- Robust number of resources available. (assessment, reference, enrichment, video, presentations)
- Digital version has a number of items that must load when each page is opened, somewhat cumbersome
- Imbedded help in understanding resources.
- Platform resources easily intuitive to navigate.
- Online testing platform. Can be paused and access given during certain teacher designated times.
- They can add SDA standards.
- They have a planning guide at the beginning of each chapter (teacher would need digital access to make use of it).
- Writable software: Assists students with anonymous peer review, reading, and writing skills. INCLUDES: TURNITIN
- Has a family corner to help students and families understand the platform.
- If utilizing HMH textbooks, the committee recommends using the digital formats. For the most part, the digital format textbooks are updated more regularly and contain more current information